I have converted to the dark side…

I got an IPad 3.  I never thought I would succumb to Apple but I did.  And it is lovely.

I’ve been wanting to get some sort of tablet for a while now.  I was contemplating the Asus TF7000 or the Galaxy Note 10.1.  Both of these tablets are pretty nice and have HD screens.  What got me though was the retina display.  It is so much better than anything else out there.  Pretty much makes other tablets look like POSs.

When I got the IPad, I was initially disappointed that it didn’t play Flash or Adobe products.  After doing some research, I found that Steve Jobs was morally opposed to using Adobe products because they refused to make software for iMac.  So he never put them on the iPhone, iPad, or the iPod.  There is a work around though.  If you want to view things like full episodes of shows, each network has an app that you can download and you can watch the shows from there instead of the website.  Kind of a pain cause you need the app but they are usually free and these iPads come with a ridiculous amount of memory so a tiny app is usually not cause for concern.

Another thing about the iPad, is that it is very intuitive.  My 3 year old daughter picked it up and immediately knew how to swipe it open and get to apps.  She can’t read but she can use an iPad.  I don’t plan on letting her use if very much.  Just for times when I really need her to sit still and this is the only activity that will work.

The baby is growing like a weed.  I weighed her yesterday and she was 15 lbs, 11 oz.  She’s almost toddler sized!  Her clothes are 12 month sizes now.  And she is tall.  About 27 inches.  That puts her in the 97th percentile for height.  Incredible since neither dad or I are very tall…

I haven’t discovered any must have apps yet.  But I am glad I can retire my Sony eReader.  Sorry but the new software that came out very recently is terrible.  I had to download it because the hubby cleaned off the hard drives of both computers and the software wasn’t backed up.  No problem I thought.  Yes there is.  The new software that is available cannot see any library books or docs.  And it is not intuitive.  No help menu exists that is helpful.  Sony is shooting the eReader and letting it rot in its own blood by releasing this software.  I am sad about the books I bought from the dumb Sony store though.  I should have known better and bought thru Amazon.  At least I can read on any tablet and my computer.

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