We’re farmers…

Of one tomato plant, mint, basil, cilantro, and two corn plants.  lol.  I love fresh herbs for cooking and they are quite expensive.  I’ve never had a green thumb.   In fact, I’ve had a plant graveyard in the past.  But I’m trying to be I can optimistic that I can bring these plant to harvest.
My mom is a wonderful gardener.  She maintains a huge garden with citrus and avocado trees, tomato, eggplants, and even lettuces.  She is also a lover of all things orchid.  It takes her hours to water and feed these plants which in arid southern CA may not be the greenest thing.

My 3 year old (aka love bug) started the two corn plants at her preschool.  They studied corn for a week.  Planting it, learning foods made with corn, shucking it, and eating it!  She is now an enthusiastic corn eater:)

I’m having a hard time scheduling exercise in.  Instead of beating myself up about it, I decided to exercise when I have a chance.  But to spend the rest of my maternity leave enjoying my kids.  I still want to lead an active lifestyle and I think running after my kids counts.  That just means I need to be really careful with my diet.

I think I’m addicted to sugar.  Unfortunately, that’s a really easy drug to find.  I know it’s bad for your body and mind.  Cause obesity, diabetes, wrinkled skin, etc.  I don’t think I can eat it in moderation.  So, I’m vowing to stop eating refined sugar and packaged foods.  Stuff like whole wheat bread is ok.  Cinnamon buns are not.  Fruit sugar is ok too.  And I need to stay away from dairy.  Eggs are easy because I hate them but I love cheese and dessert.  I have started dabbling in baking my own treats for my kiddo.  She loves pumpkin bread and asked me to bake some for her preschool snack time today.


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